In an interview with Mashable India, Honey Singh was asked about being in a new relationship. In his casual style, he replied, “Aati hain chali jaati hai… girlfriend abhi koi nahi hai meri… Aise hi dost hai bahut saare,” clarifying that he doesn’t have a girlfriend at the moment, but has many friends. When asked directly about Heera Sohhal, he quickly dismissed the rumors, saying, “Nahi Nahi… Abhi nahi… let’s cook something first then we’ll see,” while blushing, hinting that there might be more in the future.
Honey Singh also reflected on his past relationship with Tina Thadani, admitting that he was deeply in love with her and had shared their relationship openly with the world. He added, “Last jo mera relationship tha, we were everywhere. I was madly in love with her. I have never hidden anything about my personal life. So now I want to get into things slowly,” showing a more cautious approach to love.
Heera Sohal On Dating Yo YO Honey Singh
Honey and Tina ended their relationship in early 2023. They unfollowed each other on social media and deleted their photos together. Reports suggested that their breakup was due to differing life goals. While Honey Singh has spoken openly about the split, Tina is reportedly heartbroken and focusing on her career.
Before Tina, Honey Singh was married to Shalini Talwar. Their marriage ended in 2022, following accusations of domestic violence by Shalini, which led to their divorce after 11 years together.
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