Hair, groundnut oil exports see surprise surge – Times of India

Hair, groundnut oil exports see surprise surge – Times of India

NEW DELHI: Since Covid in 2020, govt has sought to tap into the China Plus One strategy for global giants and courted companies such as Apple and Samsung to make in India. While the focus has been on bolstering the export of smartphones and other value-added products, Indian exports have seen much faster growth in some other segments, which are not necessarily high-end.
For instance, the export of unworked human hair has soared from $34.5 million in 2018-19 (the pre-Covid year) to almost $180 million last year – a jump of over five times – albeit on a smaller base. Similarly, certain types of copper wire exports (with a maximum cross-section diameter of more than 6mm) surged from $76 million to $867 million – an 11-fold rise. Groundnut oil exports went up from almost zero in 2018-19 to $217 million last year, data collated by think tank GTRI showed.
Smartphones exports, of course, went up almost 10 times from $1.6 billion in FY19 to $15.5 billion in FY24, which GTRI attributed to “positive policy interventions”. A separate analysis by the commerce department showed that during the year-ended March 2024, Turkey saw the highest increase in electronics goods exports, rising 147%, followed by the US (75%) and the UK (30%). During the last financial year, electronics goods exports went up 23.6% to over $29 billion, driven by smartphones. Only iron ore saw a higher increase, more than doubling to $3.9 billion in FY24 compared to $1.8 billion as export curbs were eased.

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And, during the last five years, parboiled rice exports have more than doubled from $1.5 billion in FY19 to $3.3 billion last fiscal, and in this case, the base was not so small. Anti-cancer drugs have seen exports jump from $571 million to over $1.5 billion, rising nearly three times. Among traditional exports, small cars didn’t fair badly either with exports rising 43% from $3 billion in FY19 to close to $4.3 billion last year.
The bad news is in some of the traditional segments. For instance, cut and polished diamonds, where the value of shipments fell by a third to $23.7 billion during these five years. Similarly, in the case of cotton T-shirts, exports were 15% lower at $1.6 billion, while leather fell 11% to $2.5 billion.

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