‘Only 200 terrorists active in Valley now’ | India News – Times of India

‘Only 200 terrorists active in Valley now’ | India News – Times of India

Jammu & Kashmir DGP Dilbag Singh (PTI file photo)

SRINAGAR: Sustained counter-terror operations in Kashmir hinterland coupled with strengthening of the Jammu & Kashmir border grid to prevent Pakistan from pushing in terrorists, has brought down the current number of active terrorists in J&K to around 200.
This, according to Jammu & Kashmir DGP Dilbag Singh, is the lowest in past many years, when up to 350-400 terrorists would be holed up in the Valley at any given time.
Till July 31 this year, 150 terrorists including 120 local and 30 foreign terrorists, were neutralised by the security forces. In fact, of the 80 local militants recruited so far this year, 38 have already been eliminated in counter-terror operations and 22 arrested. The remaining 20 are still active but the forces are on their trail, said the police chief.
Since 2019, the focus of the security forces has been on dismantling the terrorists’ support infrastructure. Most top Hurriyat leaders were sent to jail, creating a vacuum in the separatist leadership. Hundreds of overground workers were taken into custody and made to sign bonds of good behaviour before being released. Besides, a massive crackdown was conducted on weapon dumps across J&K and arms consignments sent by Pakistan.

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