Birthday girls Sukriti and Prakriti Kakar: We are just not in the headspace to plan a celebration – Times of India

Singers Sukriti and Prakriti Kakar turned a year older today. However, considering that the sisters have only just recovered from a bout of the viral infection, and with the grim situation caused by the second wave of the outbreak, both have decided to do away with grand celebrations. In an exclusive chat with ETimes, they share what their second lockdown birthday will look like. Excerpts…

What are you planning to do on your birthday?

Prakriti: There’s going to be an intimate celebration at home with a basic cake cutting. It will be about enjoying family time, exactly like last year. But that’s fine; having a party is really not the priority right now. With everything that’s going on, we are just not in the headspace to plan a celebration. Once the situation gets better, we will definitely take a holiday. We really hope and pray for everyone in the country. Hopefully, we will come out stronger.

Sukriti: Hope we avoid the next wave of corona and flatten the curve.

Do you have any birthday rituals?

Prakriti: We do a little bit of charity on our birthday, and this year, it even makes more sense. Apart from that, my only ritual is to make a birthday wish and try to fulfill it throughout the year.

So, what’s your birthday wish for this year?

Prakriti: The birthday wish can be personal or professional. My birthday wish last year was to not put so much pressure on myself to create music. But this year, I just want to keep releasing enough music, since it really helps in difficult times. Music is such a stress buster! I just want to sing a lot and not get a creative block like last year. I would also like to spend more time on my YouTube channel.

Sukriti: My wish is to return to normalcy and have a Covid-free nation. I want to travel again like we used to in the pre-Covid era. For the last one-and-a-half year, life has come to a halt; it’s not fun.

Are you planning to get each other a gift?

Sukriti: I love gifting and have been trying to shop online but it seems like everything is shut for delivery for our pin code because of Covid. But we will definitely fulfill it once things get better. It’s one of our birthday rituals; we know exactly what to get for each other.

Prakriti: Yes, it has already been discussed.

Any fond memories of childhood birthdays?

Sukriti: Birthdays are important to us and they are so much fun. I feel it’s not just my birthday, but also a reason for celebration for those whom we have grown up with.

Prakriti: Every birthday, we used to cut a cake and people wished us but funnily, we always forgot to wish each other at midnight. We have always wished each other later, only after realising that it’s also the other person’s birthday. But we have made up for it too (laughs).

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