Call of Duty: Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War Zombies mode confirmed – Times of India

Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War Zombies mode has been confirmed. The news was teased via developer Treyarch’s Twitter account. The official reveal trailer for the same will be launched at 10.30 pm tomorrow, IST. Treyarch Studios teased the image of Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War Zombies with the tweet.

Zombies are not new to the Call of Duty universe anymore. Both Black Ops I and II came with the Zombies extension. Black Ops Cold War is set to launch on November 13. While Call of Duty had removed the Zombies mode from its mobile game, on grounds of the mode not being up to the standards of the games in the franchise, they seem to be eager to add the zombie experience to the upcoming Black Ops title.
The trailer of Black Ops Cold War features black-and-white footage of real-time Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov warning the US. The defector claims in the footage that a soviet spy code-named “Perseus” has infiltrated the secret services of Western countries so as to stanch the efforts and create obstacles for the United States during the nuclear armament race in the ’70s. In the trailer, it is claimed that the identity and the whereabouts of Perseus were never discovered. In the game, you can expect to be someone from the force that is sent to capture or take down Perseus.

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