‘Google of South Korea’ launches AI services to compete with ChatGPT, Bard – Times of India

‘Google of South Korea’ launches AI services to compete with ChatGPT, Bard – Times of India

South Korean internet giant Naver has unveiled HyperCLOVA X, its generative artificial intelligence (AI) suite of tools. It adds to the already available products, including OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Alphabet’s Bard, Meta’s Llama and Baidu’s Ernie Bot.
According to the company, its AI product will provide AI-driven searches for users and offer customised services for enterprise clients.
“We are ready to face a new transformation called generative AI. Now in the era of generative AI, a fierce battle is underway to get picked by services and business partners,” said Choi Soo-yeon, Naver CEO.
HyperCLOVA X suite includes chatbot application CLOVA X which is aimed at improving web search, online shopping and navigation services — just like AI in Google Search and Bing. The generative AI capabilities, or chat are handled by Cue.
Also known as ‘Google of South Korea’, Naver said it has started beta services for CLOVA X, and it will begin beta for Cue in September.
Collaboration with Samsung
Naver said that it is jointly developing new chip solutions with Samsung. The chip will be smaller and more efficient to support its AI technology development. Additionally, the company is also planning to open a data centre for the HyperCLOVA X services in November.
According to Naver, unlike Google and Microsoft, it is targeting niche markets that have not yet been addressed by US and Chinese tech giants.
These markets include countries with political sensitivities in the Middle East and non-English speaking countries and regions, such as Japan and Southeast Asia.
GPT-3.5 Turbo fine-tuning and Code Llama
The news comes soon after OpenAI announced that businesses and its customers can now fine-tune GPT-3.5 Turbo – its most capable and cost-effective model in the GPT-3.5 family – with their own data.
Meanwhile, Meta also launched Code Llama, a large language model (LLM) that can use text prompts to generate and discuss code. The company said that it has the potential to make workflows faster and more efficient for developers.

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