JEE Main Exam 2023 for Jan 30 is underway, analysis soon after the exam – Times of India

JEE Main Exam 2023 for Jan 30 is underway, analysis soon after the exam – Times of India

NEW DELHI: National Testing Agency (NTA) is conducting the JEE Main examination for Engineering aspirants today i.e., Monday, January 30, for the BE/BTech Paper 1 across India.
The JEE Main exam 2023 for the January session is being held in two shifts, from 9 am to 12 pm and from 3 pm to 6 pm. The exam will be conducted for two more days i.e., on January 31 and February 1, 2023.
We will provide the JEE Main paper analysis and students’ reactions at the end of each shift.
In the meantime, we are providing you with a brief analysis of the examination held last week.
According to the students, who took the examination the last week, the exam was easy to moderately difficult. Some students even said that the exam was easier than the last year.
JEE Main Paper Analysis: Overall easy paper
On the basis of the reactions of students who appeared for the JEE Main BE/BTech papers, it can be said that the overall difficulty level of JEE Main 2023, January 24, Shift 1 paper was easy. Overall, the JEE Main 2023 exam difficulty level is said to be similar to the previous year. Some students said that JEE Main Maths questions were lengthy and difficult compared to Chemistry and Physics.
The JEE Main 2023 Mathematics section had a few lengthy and difficult questions. Questions were asked about topics such as integration, probability, etc. The formula-based questions were easy. Overall, the Maths section was difficult compared to Chemistry and Physics. But students who prepared well for the exam will find it easy to score high on this paper.
As per students, this year the JEE Main 2023 Chemistry section had many questions from Organic Chemistry. A few students said that they did not find any questions on IUPAC nomenclature, but there were questions like – identifying reactants in a chemical reaction etc.
This year, JEE Main Physics section had a few questions from the Optics chapter but the majority of the questions were asked from the Electronics and Thermodynamics topics such as Capacitors, Resistance etc.
What to carry on the exam day
Candidates must bring a copy of the JEE Main to admit card (colour printed on A4 paper) along with an original photo ID proof and copies of the passport-size photo uploaded with the form to the exam venue. They must follow the dress code prescribed on the admit card and other exam day guidelines mentioned on it. Candidates must reach the exam venue following the reporting time shown on admit cards.

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