JEE Main Toppers: JEE Main 2023 Toppers: List of JEE Main Toppers released, 43 candidates score 100 percentile – Times of India

JEE Main Toppers: JEE Main 2023 Toppers: List of JEE Main Toppers released, 43 candidates score 100 percentile – Times of India

NEW DELHI: The National Testing Agency (NTA) has declared the JEE Main Result 2023 for Session 2 today, April 29, 2023. Candidates who appeared in the Joint Entrance Examination – Main 2023 can now check and download their results and JEE Main scorecards from the official website –
Apart from the JEE Main results, the NTA has also released the JEE Main toppers 2023. Every year, multiple JEE Main toppers lists are released. Apart from an all-India toppers list, a list of state toppers and a category-wise list of toppers are also issued.
Singaraju Venkat Koundinya, a JEE candidate from Telangana, has secured the Rank 1 among all the 100 percentile scorers, followed by Kallakuri Sainadh Srimanth of Andhra Pradesh, Ishan Khandelwal of Rajasthan, Deshank Pratap Singh, and Nipun Goel of Uttar Pradesh among 43 JEE Main toppers who obtained a 100 percentile.
Ridhi Kamlesh Kumar Maheshwari from Karnataka is the female topper and the only female candidate with the 100 percentile. The JEE Main Session 2 toppers have been decided taking the revised ranking criteria into consideration.
Top 10 JEE Main 2023 Toppers

RankCandidate NamesNTA Score
Rank 1Singaraju Venkat Koundinya100
Rank 2Kallakuri Sainadh Srimanth100
Rank 3Ishan Khandelwal100
Rank 4Deshank Pratap Singh100
Rank 5Nipun Goel100
Rank 6Allam Sujay100
Rank 7Vavilala Chidvilas Reddy100
Rank 8Bikkina Abhinav Chowdary100
Rank 9Suthar Harshul Sanjaybhai100
Rank 10Abhineet Majety100

JEE Main 2023 state-wise 100 percentile scorers
Telangana: 11
Rajasthan & Andhra Pradesh: 5 each
Uttar Pradesh: 4
Gujarat & Karnataka: 3 each
Maharashtra & Delhi: 2 each
Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Haryana, Chhattisgarh, Chandigarh, Bihar & Kerala: 1 each

JEE Main Toppers List

JEE Main Toppers List

JEE Main Toppers List

JEE Main Toppers List

About JEE Main Exam
The Joint Entrance Examination – Main is a national-level entrance exam conducted for admission to Engineering and Technology, Architecture, and Planning courses at NITs, IIITs, and other participating institutions. For further information regarding the same, candidates are advised to go to the official website.

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