The ‘non-AirPods’ effect: Demand up for true wireless earbuds – Latest News | Gadgets Now

‘Shengxiao’ or better known as the Chinese Zodiac is represented each year by an animal and its known attributes. If the world of technology were to ‘follow’ the Chinese Zodiac, then hands down 2020 is the year of true wireless earbuds. They’re selling at every nook and corner, brands are falling over each other to launch them and flood the market with options. Apple set this trend with the launch of AirPods close to five years ago and it truly is the AirPods effect, just that brands seem rather slow to catch on and now have been reduced to playing for ‘seconds’. And in the case of true wireless earbuds even playing for seconds clearly seems to be a lucrative opportunity as is evident from the increase in demand for true wireless earbuds.

A report by Digitimes highlights how there has been a surge in demand for chips that are required for true wireless earbuds. While the initial craze for true wireless was the AirPods effect, the second phase seems to be the ‘non-AirPods’ effect as the demand is being fuelled by orders from non-Apple vendors who have seen a rapid pick up in sales.

In the last few months, we have seen the likes of Oppo, Xiaomi and many others make an entry in the true wireless market. Rumours are rife that Apple may launch new AirPods sometime later this year. What this might compel — or at least sources told Digitimes — is to make other brands ramp up production and that’s why the rise in demand for true wireless chips. The report suggests that brands have been looking to get features like ANC (active noise cancellation), which has been pushing up demand for key components in the earbuds.

The march of the true wireless earbuds — like most other products — has been temporarily halted in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.

Since consumers preferred to buy notebooks or tablets supporting work-from-home needs or TVs for entertainment activities, sales of TWS products were relatively slow in first-half 2020, claimed the report.

Whether Apple launches a new AirPods this year or not is something that remains to be seen. If and when they do launch, this time the other brands look more prepared to take on the might of Apple in a space that has become synonymous with the AirPods. The AirPods effect gave rise to a new category and it may well be the case that the ‘non-AirPods effect’ takes it to a whole new level. Earlier in February, it was reported by Counterpoint Research that Apple alone will sell close to 100 million AirPods in 2020. Now that other brands are getting ready for a meatier slice of the pie, the true wireless earbuds space could only get bigger and bigger. If that holds true then 2021 too could very well be the year of the true wireless earbuds.

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